Painting, Installation & Maintenance

The safety of your children is paramount, and this comprehensive guide is designed to help you provide a safe and enjoyable play experience. Please read this manual thoroughly before assembly and use.

Playhouse, Playset Selection and Pre-Installation Considerations:

Site Selection: Choose a level, well-drained area away from obstacles such as trees, fences, and structures. Do not install home playground equipment over concrete, asphalt, packed earth, grass, carpet, or any other hard surface. A fall onto a hard surface can result in serious injury to the equipment user. Do not install Playsets loose fill surfacing over hard surfaces such as concrete or asphalt. Shredded bark mulch, wood chips, fine sand and fine gravel, are added as shock absorbing materials after assembly. If used properly these materials can absorb some of the impact of a child’s fall. All surface material should extend a minimum of 6 feet in all directions around the play area.

Playhouse Placement: Proper placement of a playhouse is crucial to ensure its longevity and the safety of the children playing inside. Moisture is one of the most significant factors that can impact a playhouse's lifespan. Placing the playhouse in an area with good drainage can help prevent moisture buildup.

It's also essential to ensure that the playhouse is not situated in a low-lying area that is prone to flooding. Adequate ventilation is another critical consideration, as it helps to prevent condensation buildup and reduces the risk of Mold growth.

Place your playhouse at least 2m from any structure or obstruction.

To further minimize moisture, it's recommended to use a waterproof cover during extended periods of wet/ snowy weather. By taking the time to carefully choose the right location for your playhouse and ensuring proper moisture management, you can enjoy your investment for many years to come.

Support Base for Playhouses: A support base is an essential part of Playhouse assembly; a support base keeps your playhouse off the ground and away from moisture. The easiest base to construct for your playhouse (on the ground playhouse) is using timber sleepers. Support must be used for all floor joins and under all walls to limit movement.

Why using pavers as a base for playhouses is not recommended: It is not recommended to place pavers directly underneath a playhouse due to the potential for uneven settling and movement over time, which can lead to instability and safety hazards. Instead, it is recommended to level the ground and use a suitable base material such as timber sleepers like below, or a concrete slab to provide a stable foundation. This will help to ensure the playhouse remains level and secure, reducing the risk of accidents or damage. Additionally, using a suitable base material will also assist with drainage and prevent water pooling around the playhouse, which can lead to moisture damage and other issues.

Painting: Gumnut Kids Playhouses are finished in a temporary water-based stain, which is intended to protect the timber during storage and transport.
However, the Playhouse will need to be painted with a high-quality primer and paint to provide long-term protection from the elements and to give it a personalized touch.

Painting the Playhouse before assembly is easier and ensures all parts of the house are coated. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines for painting, including preparing the timber surface, choosing the right type of paint, and applying the paint evenly with a brush.
Proper painting of the Playhouse can extend its lifespan and keep it looking great for years to come.
We highly recommend painting the entire playhouse (min 2 coats of each) with:
Dedicated exterior timber primer. (such as Kilz 2 - All purpose)
Exterior timber paint
According to a Kilz blog - "Priming outside is just as important, if not more important, than priming inside. Exterior surfaces are typically exposed to the elements and are subject to expansion (from heat) and contraction (from cold). This and the exposure to wind, rain, snow and even dust, dirt, pollution, sunlight (UV) may cause the paint to fail due to lack of adhesion to the surface. Using an exterior primer first on a properly prepared surface can make a big difference to whether the paint lasts or potentially cracks, peels or blisters after a short period of time."

Paint Brush vs Spraying: Painting a playhouse can be a fun DIY project that can also help protect the timber from weathering and wear over time. While using a spray gun can sometimes be faster, it does not provide the coverage and thickness as using a brush. Using a brush also allows for better coverage and penetration of the paint into the wood, helping to create a longer lasting finish.

Winter storage preparation: Covering or disassembling your playhouse during the snowy and severe storm season can be a viable option to protect it from damage and prolong its lifespan. Carry out maintenance listed below when the season has passed. Here are considerations for both approaches:

Covering the Playhouse:

      • Use a sturdy, waterproof cover designed for outdoor use.
      • Ensure the cover is securely fastened to prevent it from blowing away in strong winds.
      • Choose a cover that allows for ventilation to prevent moisture buildup inside the playhouse.
      • Regularly check the cover for any tears or damage and repair or replace as needed.
      • Remove snow accumulation on the cover to prevent excessive weight and potential collapse.
      • Carry out maintenance listed below when the snow season has passed.

    Disassembling the Playhouse:

      • If feasible, disassemble the playhouse and store it in a dry, protected area such as a garage or shed during the snowy season.
      • Label or organize parts for easy reassembly when the weather improves.
      • Inspect the disassembled parts for any damage or wear and address any issues before storage.
      • Ensure proper ventilation and protection from moisture in the storage area to prevent damage to the playhouse components.

    Care & Maintenance: Regular care and maintenance of your Playset/Playhouse is required. This will help prolong the life of the product and reduce the possibility of injury. Neglecting this can lead to a risk for users.

    At the beginning of each play season:
    • Tighten all hardware.
    • Lubricate all metallic moving parts per manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Check all protective coverings on bolts, pipes, edges, and corners. Replace them if they are loose, cracked, or missing.
    • Check all moving parts including swing seats, ropes, cables, and chains for wear, rust, or other deterioration. Replace as needed.
    • Check metal parts for rust. If found, sand and repaint using a non-lead-based paint meeting the requirements of 16 CFR 1303.
    • Check all wood members for deterioration and splinters. Sand down splinters and replace deteriorating wood members.
    • Reinstall any plastic parts, such as swing seats or any other items that were removed for the cold season.
    • Rake and check depth of loose protective surfacing materials to prevent compaction and to maintain appropriate depth. Replace as necessary.

    Playhouse Maintenance: Playhouses are a great addition to any backyard, but like any outdoor equipment, they require regular maintenance to keep them in good condition. Regularly cleaning the playhouse with a mild detergent and water can help prevent the buildup of dirt and grime. It's also important to inspect the timber for any signs of wear, rot, or damage. If any issues are found, they should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Applying a sealant and paint can also help protect the timber from moisture and pests. Additionally, it's important to regularly check any screws or bolts for tightness, as these can loosen over time due to weather conditions and use. By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your playhouse stays in top condition for years to come.

     Playset Assembly, Installation, and Anchoring: 

    Pre-Assembly Checks: Review all components, hardware, and instructions. Confirm you have all the necessary tools.

    Installation Steps: Follow the step-by-step instructions meticulously, securing all connections firmly.

    Anchoring Procedures: Use appropriate ground anchors and follow manufacturer guidelines for securely anchoring the playset to the ground.

    Playset Components, Features, and Inspection:

    Component Identification: Familiarize yourself with playset parts, including swings, slides, ladders, and climbing structures.

    Regular Inspection Checklist: Routinely inspect for rust, splinters, chipped paint, loose hardware, and wear. Address any issues promptly.

    Safety Guidelines for Children

    Proper Attire: Children should wear appropriate clothing and footwear, avoiding loose items that could get caught.

    Age-Appropriate Activities: Encourage children to engage in activities suitable for their age and developmental stage.

    Safe Play Practices: Teach children to avoid pushing, shoving, or rough play. Emphasize safe climbing and sliding techniques.

    Adult Supervision and Interaction:

    Supervision: An adult must be present whenever children are using the playset. Never leave children unattended.

    Interaction: Engage with children, encouraging safe play, assisting when needed, and setting a positive example.

    Maintenance and Upkeep:

    Seasonal Maintenance: Regularly inspect and clean the playset. Lubricate moving parts and tighten hardware as needed. Ensure there is no crack paint missing if there is than prime and paint.

    Repairs and Replacements: Repair or replace damaged components immediately using manufacturer-approved parts.

    Emergency Procedures:

    First Aid Kit and Location: Maintain a well-stocked first aid kit nearby and ensure everyone knows its location.

    Contact Numbers: Have emergency contact numbers accessible, including local medical services and poison control.

    Manufacturer and Customer Support:

    Contact Information: For inquiries, support, or reporting safety concerns, refer to the manufacturer's contact details provided in the manual.

    Warranty Details: Understand the playset's warranty coverage, terms, and conditions.

    Important Notes: This manual serves as a guide and should be supplemented with local safety regulations and standards.

    Gumnut Kids complies with ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) guidelines for play equipment.

    Educate children on the importance of following safety rules and guidelines.